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Dark Tide Page 17
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Page 17
Derrick nodded. “Ontiveros could easily pay to have the reports doctored.”
Gleason shook his head. “I don’t buy it. He’d need a source inside our forensic science unit.”
“We never want to think police department employees are susceptible to corruption,” Derrick said earnestly. “But money has a way of making things happen that you’d have never imagined.”
“I don’t know.” Gleason massaged his forehead.
“You could at least see if the same forensic tech worked on all three of these cases.”
“That I can do, but don’t ask me to share the tech’s name with you. I won’t rat out one of our own.”
“I totally understand,” Derrick said, though he’d hoped Gleason would bend the rules. “But you will make sure an investigation is opened, right?”
“I’ll talk to my supervisor. He’s a stand-up guy and he’ll do the right thing.” Gleason made direct eye contract. “But remember. Even if your theory proves true, the odds of bringing Ontiveros to justice are slim to none.”
“You mean because he’s hard to locate?” Derrick’s worry over Gina’s safety ratcheted up.
Gleason nodded and propped his foot on an open drawer. “If Ontiveros hears about our investigation, he’s bound to go even deeper underground to avoid arrest. We’ll do our best to keep it on a need-to-know basis, but if Ontiveros has someone on our payroll...” He lifted his shoulder in a quick shrug.
“You’ll just have to work harder to keep it quiet, then.” Derrick fired a testy look at Gleason.
“I’m not worried about a leak in our department, but we’ll have to ask another agency to retest the ballistics. Any time you bring in someone from the outside, your risk of exposure goes up. You know that.”
Unfortunately, Derrick did know that, but he didn’t have to accept it. “Work faster then and keep the odds in our favor.”
“Let me remind you again, Justice.” Gleason’s foot dropped to the floor and he leaned closer. “I’m here to do my job, not to cater to your interests. I’m a sworn officer of the law and can only work as fast as the law allows. I can’t run off half-cocked like your team can. I have procedures to follow. That involves a methodical gathering of the evidence and obtaining warrants before we can even contemplate an arrest.”
Derrick’s anger rose over his inability to do anything. He curled his fingers into a fist. “My client could be dead by then.”
“I’m sorry, man, but you know we have no probable cause to even bring Ontiveros in for questioning, much less to arrest him.” Gleason sucked in a fortifying breath. “When I can legally obtain an arrest warrant, I will.”
“There must be something else we can do.” Derrick glanced around the bullpen, searching for an answer. A female officer passed by, giving him an idea. “You could put one of your female officers undercover posing as Gina to lure Ontiveros into the open.”
“If I asked my supervisor for the resources to pull that off without a shred of probable cause, he’d laugh me out of his office.”
“You could at least try,” Derrick said, despite knowing that when he was a detective he would never have taken such a request to his supervisor.
Gleason snorted.
“Fine.” Derrick stood. “All of my siblings have law enforcement backgrounds. We’ll set up the sting ourselves.”
“You know I can’t sanction such a move.” Gleason slowly came to his feet and lowered his voice. “But if I was in the position of losing someone I love and had family members trained in police procedures, I’d do the same thing.”
Biting back his frustration, Derrick asked Gleason to keep him in the loop on the investigation and left the office. As he drove back to Tracy’s, his idea of a sting operation started seeming less far-fetched. In fact, a decoy was the perfect way to smoke out Ontiveros. It would be dangerous, though. Not to Gina, who’d have no part in the action, but to the person they put in the decoy position. Likely Dani, as she resembled Gina more than Kat. He hated to put her in danger, but he also hated the thought of losing Gina. Besides, Dani was well trained and—as she constantly told her brothers and her husband—she was very capable of taking care of herself. He’d throw this idea out to the family for a vote.
He quickly parked and hurried up the walkway to Tracy’s house. Before opening the door, he heard Sophia screaming in pain. Even her tearful cry on the airplane hadn’t been this distraught.
Are they in trouble?
His heart thudding, he drew his weapon and eased inside. In the family room, he found Gina, clearly frazzled and walking Sophia, whose face was red and blotchy. His heart ached for the obvious pain on both of their faces. At the same time, relief for their safety flooded him.
He holstered his gun and met Gina in the middle of the room. “She okay?”
Gina shrugged. “I think she’s trying to cut a tooth.”
“Isn’t there something that will help?”
Gina moved Sophia’s sweaty hair from her forehead. “Kat will be back from the store with teething gel any minute, but I don’t know if I can last that long.”
He held out his hands. “Let me take her for a while.”
Gina flashed a surprised look at him. He was equally surprised by his offer.
She watched him for a few moments. “You’re sure?”
He nodded. “You need a break.”
“Then I’m thankful for your help.”
Derrick took Sophia. She studied him and her crying stilled. Maybe he had a special touch. Her face screwed up again and she wailed with renewed vigor.
Gina backed out of the room. “Let me know if she gets to be too much.”
“It’s okay, Bug. Let it out.” He mimicked Gina’s method of bouncing and walking Sophia. He really had no clue what he was doing, but he wanted to help Gina. Raising a child was such a big responsibility. He hated that Gina had to do it alone.
If only he could change his take on life. Become the man Gina wanted him to be. Please, Father, show me exactly what it will take to get me there.
Sitting on her bed with the door closed, Gina breathed in and slowly exhaled. She could still hear Sophia screaming through the solid door. Gina should never have imposed on Derrick this way—she should go back to the family room. But she was tired. So tired. A few minutes alone would help her cope with Sophia, and in the long run that would be better for her.
She set a five-minute alarm on her watch and pulled out her Bible. She tuned out Sophia and immersed herself in the words in Corinthians. One of her favorite verses spoke to her. My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.
Gina leaned back and thought about what she’d gone through in the past. God’s grace had brought her through it all, proving He would get her through her recent losses and these attacks, leaving her stronger for them. Strength, true strength, was gained in suffering, she remembered her pastor saying recently.
So why had she lamented the years spent with her father? The strength she’d gained from his rejection made her a better person. A better mother to Sophia. Even when the little sweetheart was in pain and screaming uncontrollably as she was tonight. All suffering had a purpose, and as long as Gina remembered that, she’d be fine.
Resolved to take back her duties, she offered her thanks to God and opened the door. She expected to hear Sophia, but the house was silent. She tiptoed to the family room and found Derrick on the sofa, his head resting on the back, his eyes closed, and Sophia asleep on his shoulder.
The sight of the two of them melted her heart, and realization struck. She was using what she’d learned with her father to be a better mother and a better person, some of the time. But not with Derrick. She’d been so afraid of getting hurt—and of letting Sophia get hurt—that she hadn’t even wanted to allow
Derrick to spend time with the baby. That was ridiculous when Derrick was so amazingly good with her.
She’d also let her past with her dad negatively color her relationship with Derrick in college. None of that had been fair to Derrick. If she’d truly let go of her past as she’d counseled Derrick to do, she’d follow her feelings and give him a chance to prove himself.
The thought of opening herself to pain made her take an involuntary step back. She banged into a hall table, jerking Derrick awake. When he saw her, a relaxed smile played across his mouth, reminding her of their lazy Saturday afternoons in college.
Could she really give him another chance?
She willed her heart to slow and walked over to him. “You’re a wonder with Sophia.”
“Nah. Kat came home with teething gel. We rubbed it on Bug’s gums, and she sighed then dropped off.” He smiled down on her. “Poor little thing exhausted herself.”
“I can put her in her crib if you’d like.”
“Are you kidding—and risk waking her?” He grinned.
Gina sat next to them. “She’s really taken to you.”
“I kinda like her, too.” His eyes darkened. “I’ll miss her.”
“You should really think about having a family. You deserve happiness, and I can see a child provides you with that.”
“I never expected it, but she does brighten my life. A lot. But...”
“But you still don’t believe you deserve a family.”
He shrugged, making Sophia stir. He gently rubbed her back.
Gina really didn’t want to speak of her recent breakthrough without thinking it through, but she couldn’t keep silent if it helped Derrick. “Maybe it would help if you looked at the loss of your parents as something that has helped you grow stronger, instead of letting it hold you back.”
He stared at the ceiling for a long moment then met her gaze. “Sounds good in theory, but no matter how many times I’ve thought about my past in the last few days—and trust me, I’ve thought about it since the moment I saw you again—changing the way I see things is something I haven’t been able to do, even with God’s help.”
“I’d never tell you it’s easy to change.” She took his free hand and threaded her fingers with his. “I’m still working on things, but I know if I hadn’t spent years looking at everything through the lens of my father’s rejection, I would’ve done so many things differently.”
“Like?” he whispered.
“Like, I could’ve been more patient with you and given you a chance instead of walking out.”
“And now? This thing between us.” He lifted her hand and pressed a soft kiss on the back. “Even if I can’t promise to be there forever, are you willing to give a relationship a chance?”
Was she? Was she really?
She’d been so bold, sharing her new breakthrough, but as with any newly learned life skill, she had to test and embrace it. To live it. And only time would tell if she could pull it off.
* * *
Derrick remained on the sofa, preparing for the family conference call, while Gina put Sophia to bed. She’d never answered his question but had promised they’d talk later. He didn’t want to get excited about the possibilities their discussion opened, but hope flittered around his heart, teasing, taunting. A foreign feeling. He wanted to grab hold, but he found it elusive.
Dani entered the room. “I’ve got everyone on the conference call. Kat’s getting Gina.”
The reminder of his very dangerous proposal for the family sent his hope darting away.
For now, he told himself as he followed Dani out of the room. After Ontiveros was behind bars, Derrick would have plenty of time with Gina, but only if he was able to protect her first.
She was already sitting beside Kat at the dining table when he entered the room. Dani’s laptop was open in front of them. Derrick pulled up a chair.
“So what’s this big idea you have, Derrick?” Ethan asked.
Derrick recounted his meeting with the detective. “I was frustrated with Gleason and I suggested the undercover sting without thinking. On my drive home, I decided my idea has merit.”
“I agree,” Dani said. “With a wig and dim lights, I can easily pass for Gina. And—” she paused and held up a hand “—before any of you argue with me, remember I’m trained to handle this type of situation. Plus with Kat and Derrick at my back, I’ll be fine.”
“No,” Gina blurted out. “I couldn’t let you put yourself in danger like that. If anything happened to you, I’d never forgive myself.”
“If we don’t do this and anything happens to you, I’ll never forgive myself either,” Derrick said, filling his voice with as much vehemence as he could muster.
Gina looked at him. “That’s different. I’m the one in danger. Dani’s just an innocent bystander.”
Dani rested her hand on Gina’s. “We’re committed to helping people in situations like this despite the risk. It’s what we do.”
“But I—”
“No buts, I’m doing it.” Dani faced Kat. “You in?”
“Of course.” Kat’s ready agreement was no surprise, as his sisters always stuck together.
Dani turned back to her computer. “Everyone else on board?”
“I’m in,” Cole said.
Ethan nodded. “Me, too, but we need to move quickly, before Ontiveros catches wind of the police investigation.”
“I’d like to get back to Luke ASAP, so why not do this tonight? At Gina’s apartment.”
Derrick could hear the loneliness in his sister’s tone, and he felt guilty for insisting she travel to San Diego. But if he hadn’t, they wouldn’t be able to implement his plan. “I appreciate your coming here more than you can know.”
She playfully punched him as she had a habit of doing when he got serious. “Then let’s get the show on the road.”
“I won’t do this without a thorough threat assessment and a foolproof plan,” Derrick warned.
“Then time’s a wasting.” Dani clapped him on the back. “If Kat will stay here with Gina and Sophia, we can head over to Gina’s apartment and scope it out.”
“I’m good to stay,” Kat said.
“Then it’s a go.” Derrick stood and looked at Gina. “We’ll be back soon with a plan to end this once and for all.”
Gina shot out a hand. “Wait a minute. If Ontiveros is so hard to find, how are you going to make sure he knows about this?”
“Nothing easier than getting word to a felon,” Cole said.
“Cole’s U.S. marshal experience makes him an expert on knowing how a criminal’s thought process works,” Kat explained.
“We simply need to find the right source, and the news will spread like wildfire,” Cole added. “And I have the perfect person in mind to get the word out.”
“Great.” Derrick clapped his hands to signal an end to the meeting. “Make contact with your person, and I’ll give you the green light when the plan’s set.”
“You got it, bro,” Cole said. “Now make us proud.”
Antsy to get going, Derrick shifted his feet. “Any other questions, Gina?”
“No.” She stood and touched his arm. “Just be careful, okay?”
“Yeah, Derrick, be careful,” Cole said in a singsong voice.
Derrick glared at the screen.
Cole stifled a smile. “Let it go, kid. You’ve teased all of us for the past few years about our love lives, and it’s payback time.”
Derrick wanted to claim there was no love life, but if he could apprehend Gina’s attacker and she saw fit to give him a chance to work through his fears, he sincerely hoped there would be.
* * *
Later that evening, Gina watched Derrick fasten his Kevlar vest before heading to her apartment to
launch their undercover operation. He seemed so eager to rush in and resolve this. She hoped it was in part because he was thinking about their discussion this afternoon and was ready to embrace the things he wanted out of life.
He checked his gun then settled it in the holster. “We need to get going.”
“Be careful.” She tried to keep the apprehension out of her voice, but it was there, big and bold.
“Hey.” He crossed over to her. “We do things like this all the time. Our plan is solid, and we’ll be back before you know it.”
“I know.”
He studied her so intently that a crease formed between his eyes. “We’ll get through this. Together.”
She didn’t know if he meant tonight’s event or their future. Either way, she didn’t want him to be concerned for her when his mind needed to be on his assignment, so she didn’t ask.
“I’ll be fine,” she said, her eyes riveted to his. She felt like she needed to memorize them in case something happened to him.
A surge of heat sparked between them. His hand captured hers, and he pressed a kiss to her palm. “Tracy’s in charge here, and I’ll call you the minute Ontiveros is in custody.”
“Thank you.” She clung to his hand. “For everything you’ve done. I can never repay you or your family.”
He put a finger to her lips, silencing her. “No repayment needed.”
Dani stepped to the doorway and lingered in the hall shadows. She looked so much like Gina that she had to do a double take as she let go of Derrick’s hand.
“I guess your look says I pass.” Dani entered the room, the similarity evaporating in the bright light.
“It’s uncanny,” Gina agreed.
Dani fluffed her wig and winked, making Gina laugh. “Kat’s already in the car. Are you ready, bro?”
He nodded and smiled at Gina. “I’ll call you as soon as I know anything.”
Gina watched them go. The room suddenly felt lifeless and unsettling as worry for Derrick, Kat and Dani filled her mind. Derrick had said the operation could take hours. She’d go crazy if she sat here and let worry take over. She went in search of Tracy and found her in her study curled in a club chair, a book on her lap.